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Costume and Set Design
During design process, inspiration is found by immersing deep into the story to understand the characters and bringing them to life through different methods.
Sketching from life is always the first approach.
Buildings, nature, objects and people which relate to the story and develop a new world on paper.
Fashion designers who push boundaries such as Rei Kawakubo and historical costume research fuel ideas for shape and structure.
The Circus is a favourtie subject of Jessica's.

Hire Jessica to design costumes for your theatrical, film or video piece.
Growing up in Scotland, its nature has always inspired Jessica. Here you can see the pastel sketch of a Scottish wood turned into an embroidered forest on one of her costume pieces.

Recent work on stage at La Comédie-Française in Paris

Design book
and portfolio
Previous Role
Head Cotsume Designer with Company Diorama

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